PR12+PC+Ref (D.1469)

Fully automatic line for the production of dish-holder combs for dishwasher baskets.

Process: wire feeding from a coil system, straightening and feeding into welding position + loading and welding of a bar or a pair of cross bars + feeding and straightening of the mesh, cross cutting of the mesh in the shear, chamfering operation of the external ends of the cut bars (called “pins”), inclination of the pins, unloading of the finished product.

The entire machine cycle is automatic, the only manual operations are related to production assistance, i.e.: replenishment of the bar magazines, ordinary maintenance and cleaning, recovery for any machine downtime. Downstream of the line unloading, the finished product can be picked up manually or by a robotic cell for any finishing or linking to other production machines; the production process of this line doesn’t include the chamfering of the ends of the pins on the cross bar side, which was performed by the customer by brushing.

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